Here are the most commonly asked questions about our Summer Law Institute.

What Is The Law Institute?

The Future Latino Leaders Summer Law Institute is designed to provide Latinx high school students like you with the opportunity to learn more about the legal profession. 

When And Where Is The Law Institute?

The 2024 Future Latino Leaders Summer Law Institute will be held July 21 – 28, 2024 in Washington D.C.

What Do Law Institute Students Do?

Below is a list of sample activities from the previous Law Institutes. (Not all sites and activities are offered every year.)

  • Visit the Supreme Court, Department of State, U.S. Capitol, Department of Justice, DEA Museum, and other government agencies;
  • Tour the monuments and visit the National Archives and view the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence;
  • Visit foreign embassies to learn about international law;
  • Take courses taught by current law professors, to learn more about what a law school class is like;
  • Be part of a Mock Trial legal team;
  • Learn from experienced attorneys about how they approach a case and prepare for oral argument and cross-examination;
  • Attend workshops on college and law school admissions, financial aid, scholarships and internship programs; and
  • Attend the HNBF Annual Awards Dinner and Ceremony with lawyers from around the country.
Who Is Eligible To Apply?

In order to apply and participate, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a high school student in the United States entering your sophomore, junior, or senior year, or be a recent graduate;
  • Have an interest in learning about law school and becoming a lawyer; and
  • Have a demonstrated interest in helping your community and building your leadership skills.
Is There A Minimum GPA Requirement?

Yes. In order to apply and participate, you must have a GPA of at least 2.5. If your GPA is lower than a 2.5, you may submit your application with an explanation outlining your academic performance. We will consider all applications received.

I Am In Eighth Grade But Will Be In High School This Summer. Can I Apply?

No. The Law Institute is open to high school students who at the time of participation will be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior years or have just graduated high school. In our experience, students who are sophomores or above get the most out of the Law Institute experience. Eighth graders, we hope you’ll apply in the future!

I Am Really Interested In Learning More About The Law Institute, But I’m Not 100% Sure I Want To Be A Lawyer. Should I Apply?

The Law Institute is especially designed for high school students or recent graduates who have an interest in learning more about the legal profession and meeting influential Latinos. We also understand that deciding on a career is a long, ever-developing process. Past Law Institute participants, however, have typically had an interest in justice, the U.S. legal system, or becoming a lawyer. We look for some level of interest in the above; however, you do not have to be 100% committed to becoming a lawyer in order to attend the Law Institute.

What Do You Look For In An Applicant? What Makes Someone An Outstanding Applicant?

The HNBF does not use a one-size-fits-all formula in deciding to accept an applicant. We will consider your application as a whole — including your academic background, essays, personal background, interest in the legal profession, and any leadership experiences you have. We look for your potential as a future Latino leader and demonstrated an interest in the content of our program.

Why Should I Consider Applying?

Has anyone ever told you that you are great at arguing or that you are a good story-teller? Do you like to learn about new things? Have you ever wanted to know more about what lawyers do, besides what you see on TV? If you are curious about becoming a lawyer, the Law Institute might be right for you. The Law Institute is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the legal profession, and meet influential and successful Latinos.

Who Can I Contact For More Information?

For more information about the Law Institute, please email More information is also available on the HNBF website.

What Is The Cost?

Due to the generosity of our sponsors and donors, there is no cost to students to participate in the Law Institute. However, students are also responsible for arranging transportation to Washington, DC. Transportation scholarships are available based on financial need. Do not let the cost of transportation to DC deter you from applying! Upon your acceptance to the program, we are committed to working with you and your family to ensure your ability to attend.

I’m Ready To Fill Out An Application. How Do I Apply?

The Future Latino Leaders Summer Law Institute student application is available here and can be completed online. While we strongly encourage you to submit your application online, you may choose to complete and mail a paper version.

When Is The Application Deadline? When Will You Notify Me Of Your Decision?

The deadline to apply for the 2024 Future Latino Leaders Summer Law Institute is March 15, 2024. Your complete application and materials must be RECEIVED by the HNBF by the deadline date. We will notify applicants of acceptance on a rolling basis.

Where Do I Send My Application Materials?

Upload your high school transcripts, signed rules and regulations form, resume, and essays via the application form.

2025 Future Latino Leaders Summer Law Institute

July 14-20, 2025 | WASHINGTON D.C.

Hispanic National Bar Foundation

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